Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Bath Safety Month!


I woke up today feeling much better than anticipated. I'm giving credit to the cocktail of Tylenol, Benadryl, & B Vitamins I took before bed. I fully expected to wake up looking like some slimy creature out of a horror movie, so I was pleasantly surprised to see my normal scary-morning self. Then I realized that meant I would actually have to go to work. Bummer. I truly like my job, but I do love a good sick day! I get so much done when I'm sick - I clean house, catch up on bills, finish up little projects. I rarely have a day off, so I'm not the kind of person who wastes one, whether I am sick or not!

I had quite a few options for today's celebratory activity. But as I was working a 10 hour shift, I didn't have the time to celebrate J.R.R. Tolkein, nor did I have the inclination to actually research "Memento Mori 'Remember You Die' Day". And I basically celebrate "Drinking Straw Day" every day of the year when I order my McDonald's Diet Coke. So I decided to take a broader view of things.

This is a month of many celebrations & 2 in particular were very appealing to me, as I was still recovering from yesterday's Anthrax disease. January is Bath Safety Month AND National Soup Month. So into the tub I went, using up all the hot water for my bubble bath, soaking my still-sore muscles until my fingertips pruned up like Mick Jagger. After toweling off, I made a pot of chicken noodle soup & I didn't even pick out the celery. I'm trying to learn to like new foods, & celery and I have yet to find a love connection. Turns out however, I can tolerate it when it's boiled beyond recognition. It's always good to make time for yourself & find little things to take comfort in throughout the day. That's today's lesson.

At work Lucky asked me who I was in love with. I had told him I wasn't feeling any potential reciprocation in the Jody department. "I want you to be with Jon!" he announced, a little too loudly. Jon AKA "Hot Supervisor" is, well, a hot supervisor in the service department that I've had a crush on forever. We never talk - I avoid it at all costs - because I inevitably say something stupid or rude every time I'm around him. Whenever he approaches me, a panicked text to my friends is sure to follow, asking them how I can fix whatever mess I just made with my awkwardness. So you can see why I like to avoid him. Plus he's a supervisor. So even tho he gives me "the good feelings," I know it will never amount to anything more than a creepy crush from afar.

Here's the thing, when I was leaving work tonight I could see Jody leaning over the front desk, watching me walk towards lobby. He looked at me with a strange sad-puppy expression on his face. I became super self-aware and could barely muster a "goodnight" as I made a beeline for the exit. I hate to sound all "Double Rainbow," but... What does it mean???

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