Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Mew Year For Cats Day!

Sunday 01/02/11

Today I had a choice of holidays to celebrate. Chris' boyfriend Joe had stayed the night, so we discussed my options over breakfast. The first, "Mew Year For Cats Day" was instantly dismissed by all. The second, "National Motivation & Inspiration Day" had potential. But it's the third one that really caught my eye, "55-MPH Speed Limit Day"! I have a terrible driving record, and I have "donated" over $2000 in fines to the local Ohio police departments since getting my license. The thought of purposely driving 10 miles under the speed limit on the highway intrigued me. Plus it gave me an excuse to speed on the side streets! I was pretty sure they wouldn't be able to ticket me for my celebratory lead foot.

The problem was, nobody else was celebrating! On the side streets I was stuck going the speed limit because I was always behind some law-abiding idiot. And then I ended up taking the back way to work so I could stop for a McDonald's Diet Coke (my one true love) & never made it onto the highway.

That was okay tho, I could always choose to celebrate motivation & inspiration. That was a little more abstract & I'm a pretty positive person, so I knew I'd have no trouble finding a way to embody the spirit of the day! I'm filling in seasonally in a new department at work & I absolutely love it. I'm hoping to stay on permanently so figured I would go above & beyond to show how much this new role inspired me & how motivated I was to perform at my best!

The problem was, I felt like crap. And as the evening progressed, my symptoms became more obvious. My muscles ached, my ears throbbed, my throat was swollen... Add in chills, runny nose & a fever and you will find yourself utterly lacking in inspiration and motivation. I ran my symptoms thru WebMD and it came back with several possibilities, including Mono & Anthrax. Apparently it thinks I'm running around making out with terrorists. It also listed Influenza, which seemed more likely.

So, like a good little single girl, I went home to my kitties and served them canned food sprinkled with Bonita Fish flakes as a special treat. I played with them, gave them catnip, & celebrated the mew year with my furry friends. Damnit.

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