Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year's Eve!

Friday 12/31/10

It was New Year's Eve & my fabulous roommate Chris is throwing a party at our house. I was definitely looking forward to what was bound to be an ah-may-zing night! I skipped eating on my lunch break & went to the store to buy a giant bottle of cheap wine. It's called Frutezia (the "z" is how you know it's fancy). But I was planning on killing the whole bottle by myself, so I figured it would be silly to purchase anything that cost more than $7.99.

I had gotten up early that morning so that I could clean my room & take care of my personal business in the shower - which was pointless considering I knew my midnight smooch would be coming from my little chickadee, Lucky, who is gay as a maypole. I would not be making any love connections at this shindig. But still, my motto is "always be prepared." (The Boy Scouts definitely found a winner when they came up with that one!)

The party was a awesome - we had a great mix of people all dressed up to ring in the new year! A lot of Chris' theater friends made it out & they are always good times! Our neighbors had set a desk chair out at the curb & we raced up & down the street with it. Tho apparently there was a reason it was at the curb & I discovered what it was the hard way when I toppled off the broken seat & landed on my bum! Oh & did I mention the queso? Yum!

Unfortunately Lucky had fallen asleep downstairs before the ball dropped, but thankfully my friend Nicki was standing by with an available pair of lips when the ball dropped. After finishing off my bottle & mixing a few cocktails for some of the other guests we realized Lucky, who had made a brief appearance after midnight, was now nowhere to be found. Sigh. I could sense some massive gay drama approaching. I called Lucky. "Chickadee, where are you?" He sounded completely spaced out when he answered, "Katie, I'm on Forrer Drive." I was slightly confused, seeing as he didn't have his car with him. "I'm on foot. Katie, it's bad. This time it's serious." Lucky & his boyfriend Nicholas have this extremely rocky and chaotic relationship. It's always on again, off again. Individually they are both hot messes, put them together and it equals disaster. Apparently this minute, they were off again. But thankfully Nicki, once again, was standing by - this time with the ability to drive as she had only had a glass of wine. One of our flock had strayed & so we went seeking him into the night in order that we might welcome him back unto the fold. It was, like, Biblical.

You know it's been a good night when you wake up to find your mailbox full of cigars & jello shots, a blond wig in the trash can, streamers hanging from the ceiling fan, & a dude stumbling around wearing Spongebob pj pants with a white button down dress shirt. Like I said, the party was awesome. I just wish I'd had someone awesome to enjoy it with.

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